sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nodejs
Issue with this installation is that usually ubuntu repositories have bit older version of Node.js than current stable release.
If you need the latest versions of Node.js you can install it via a tool called nvm (Node.js version manager). To install nvm, C++ compiler needs to be installed. On Ubuntu build-essential and libssl-dev packages will do the work.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev
After installing C++ compiler you can proceed to install (or update) nvm by using cURL command or Wget command.curl -o- | bash
wget -qO- | bash
Install script will be downloaded and installed to
folder. If you like to install the nvm into a custom folder, say to /opt/nvm
. Then modify the above command as tocurl -o- | NVM_DIR="/opt/nvm" bash
But if you use any custom directory for NVM_DIR property, please make sure you have the right privileges to access it. Otherwise it will give you a hard time. Personally I advice you to download it to the default location.To use nvm functions you have to log out and log in. Or else you can sourceyour current session in order to let it know about the changes.
source ~/.profile
Availability of nvm can be checked by using the version command.
nvm --version
How to use NVM
You can check what are the available versions of NodeJS to download.nvm ls-remote
At this moment latest version available is
. To install any version
nvm install version_number
If you need to install multiple versions of node you can view all your versions using
nvm ls
In order set a default version
nvm alias default version_number
nvm use default